
  • Translation prices depend on the level of difficulty and the size of the text. The price is based on the number of standard lines (55 characters incl. spaces of the target language) according to the recommendations of the BDÜ (Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. — National association of interpreters and translators inc.)
    - General text: 0,65-0,90 € / standard line +VAT.
    - Specialist text: 0,95-1,30 € / standard line +VAT.

  • Attestations 10,00 € in addition for a one-page document, 2,00 € for any further page.
  • Prices for editing and proof-reading by agreement
  • For extensive projects: flat-rate fee

We are pleased to submit a free and non-binding offer. Please send us a page representative for the text to be translated. Or please ask for our list of prices and services giving more details about discounts etc.

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